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No action occurred after issuing a command

Sometimes Amazon cloud services (or other cloud providers) are slightly slow to respond or requires a kick-start to load results of a command executed.

The best way to solve this problem is to click on the refresh button at the top-right hand corner of your RainMaker interface.


RainMaker is loading and stuck

Sometimes you will see a loading image when you first log on to RainMaker or when you have refresh your internet browser.



RainMaker uses javascript in your internet browser. If you have javascript blocked for, please unblock it or add it to your browser's safe list.

It usually takes a few seconds to load the RainMaker software. However, from time to time your internet connection or location may require longer load times.

If you keep seeing the loading image without any response after one minute, then try to refresh your browser. If that doesn't help, then check your internet connection.

When you see your running, stopped or backup dashboard panels "loading...", it means that your browser is trying to retrieve information from your cloud service provider. Please wait for the cloud data provider to respond. If there is no response for more than 15 seconds, then hit the refresh link at the top-right of the RainMaker interface or hit your browser's refresh button.

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